APOLOGIES: Generally I try to limit my personal contribution to TVia to my Virgin Views Column and this Editorial section as I want TVia to be your mag- azine and not my personal organ. Things worked out in such a way this time, however, that quite a few pages were my contribution. I apologise for it, but I did it because the subject matter seemed to warrant it, and I hope you will excuse it this time.
II. COMMENTARY: If you would like to make a comment on the subject material of the Nature-Nurture debate in this issue--or on anything else for that matter-- please feel free to participate. My only request is that you put such comments on separate sheets of paper and in the style of a contribution instead of just an observation buried in the body of a letter. Order letters stay in the order file and contributions go into the material file so they ought to be on two sep- erate sheets.
III. MY THANKS to my prolific sister in Alph--Inez for her Inezsquibs which help to fill up those little holes in TVia and the Femme Forum with a touch of humor. She has supplied me with a whole bunch of them so you'll be seeing a lot of them in future issues.
IV. GIVING NAMES TO OTHERS: I take considerable pains to protect the security of the readers of TVia sometimes to the annoyance of those who haven't much to loose and who can't therefore see why others need be concerned. I wish I could get some of the readers to be equally concerned and to respect the propriet- ary right each person has in his own name, address, and occupation. Mechanisms exist whereby a person may be contacted and given the opportunity himself to reveal a name and address if he so desires. It